
The Médulas the whim of the Romans  


Located in the Bierzo in León, 20 km from Ponferrada, Médulas The place is a great result of the Roman territory along two centuries and changes in that territory to the present.

This site, a strange beauty, is what remains of the largest gold mine operated by the Romans in the northwest of the peninsula using a procedure known as "montium ruin."
It was the largest gold mine operated by the Romans in the Peninsula
It undermined the heart of the mountain with an intricate network of galleries in different lengths and in which successive tranches with wider sudden narrowing. Later, the tunnels will be released on huge masses of water brought from the nearby mountains through a network of channels and stored near the farm, which resulted in the colossal collapse.

The mud was washed and was produced to extract the gold. As more than a vestige of the rule mining activity is preserved Carucedo lake formed by water used in the extraction of gold and money laundering.
The exploitation of gold Médulas is the largest of any known in the northwest of the country and probably the largest of the entire Roman Empire.

Today, Las Médulas declared in 1998 by the Unesco World Heritage Site, impressed by its beauty, which is the product of man, the passage of time and the whims of nature.
The Médulas were declared a World Heritage Site in 1998
Getting There

It is possible to arrive by car to the farm, however, recommended to the last mile (1.8 km) walk to enjoy more of the environment.
From the village of Médulas will continue on foot along a steep slope off the road to get Cuevona and Enchanted Cave, allowing two Bocamina get an idea of the operating system extension.

To see the landscape from the viewpoint Orellán, before we reach the population of the heart, a deviation to the left leads to Orellán. From the village, a track on the right leads to the lookout.

Other Roman ruins in the area

The neighboring region of La Cabrera, which is accessed from Puente de Domingo Florez (N-536), retains many interesting Roman remains tied to the gold mine. Must also stop in Yeres, belonging to the municipality of Puente, to cover the area of the site that extended into this area, popularly known as the "The Medulillas of Yeres.
Corporal Cabrera and flames are other rural communities of interest. From the village of Las Médulas you can visit the Submerged Lake, one of the "agogae" or washing of gold.

* Lodging: Hotel Monte Medulio is situated at the entrance to the picturesque village of Las Médulas, belonging to the municipality of Carucedo. Information and reservations: Tel: 987 422 833 / 987 422 889. In Carracedelo, Villamartin Villanueva de Valdueza and you can easily find accommodation.
* Addresses of interest: visitor reception center organizes guided tours of the path of the valine (a distance of three kilometers to La Encantada and La Cuevona).
* Directions: From the A-6 or the N-VI, from Ponferrada or from Villafranca del Bierzo, to connect with the N-120. Next to La Barosa take the diversion to Carucedo. For the N-536, from Ponferrada to the peoples of Borrenes or Carucedo. From Ourense, the N-536, until Sunday Flórez Bridge.

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