
The Favorite Islands Of The Superstars  


The good news: In Paradise, you can pay with euros. The bad: It is only 21 square kilometers in size and is located in the Caribbean. The speech is from the French overseas department of Saint-Barthélemy, or St. Barth. The island is currently the destination of celebrities, stars like Dustin Hoffman, Daniel Craig, Donatella Versace and Brad Pitt can not be wrong.

St. Barth is one of the Lesser Antilles and is located in the Atlantic Ocean. The island was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493, he named it after his brother Bartolomeo. They moved several times its membership, was among others in French and Swedish hands. Today, St. Barth as a Collectivité d'outre mer with France and is part of the European Union.

Very much larger than St. Barth, but no less beautiful, is St. Lucia. This Caribbean island is at least 620 square kilometers in size and is also one of the Lesser Antilles.

Especially there urlaubt scandal noodle Amy Winehouse, including Harrison Ford, Morgan Freeman and Tyra Banks were already on St. Lucia. The island is far from untouched, lush rain forests, green mountains, banana plantations and miles of beaches with white sand and black take turns. The emblem of the island is of volcanic Twin Pitons, with its two peaks.

In the past it was hard fought over St. Lucia, for centuries the island belonged alternately to France and Britain. Today she is part of the Commonwealth of Nations, Queen Elizabeth II, the official head of state. In the fishing village of Soufrière testify today charming buildings from the colonial era, on the small island Pigeon Iceland is even an old British fort.

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