On the Footprint of the Templars in Rio Lobos
Labels: Castles, Europe, Holiday 1 commentsThey say that the Wolves River Canyon is a magical place, because there are traces of the presence of the Templars and some mysteries wrapped in order to resolve this.
Lobos Canyon River Gorge is a 14 km long in the Nafría mountain range. The canyon, the diversity of fauna and landscape cantiles are the highlights of the protected area. It is one of the reliefs that stand between the Central and the Iberian.
Its continental climate has generated a growing poplar, willow and juniper albar, living with the oak and pine oak.
As for fauna, there griffon vultures, golden eagles, hawks ... and between mamíeros, the Iberian wolf. Also deserving attention amphibians and reptiles.
The slopes can reach an altitude of 100 meters
Erosion by water has sunk the riverbed. On the slopes of the canyon, which can reach 100 meters in altitude, low-water sources for the rusty color of the walls. There are numerous marked hiking trails and the ability to enter any of the numerous torcas, potholes and caves that undermine their walls.
Three different access
Access into the canyon are made from three different points. On the west side, upstream, is accessed from Hontoria del Pinar (Burgos) population being reached by the N-234.
The second access is located 12 km from the previous half-way stage, missing 9km Ucero to output, and is called the Bridge of Seven Eyes and is next to the SO-960 road that connects San Leonardo de Yagüe St. Mary of the Hoyas.
At the end of the canyon is the entry of Ucero is the most popular is the ydonde Interpretation Center of Nature. About Ucero on the road SO-920 is the viewpoint of the Galiana shows that the park from the edge of cliffs.
Since there is a huge cave a spectacular view of the shrine Templar
The most traveled and well-known park is undoubtedly the Colmenar of the friars at the foot of which lies the shrine of St. Bartholomew Templar.
This area is located 3.5 km from the entrance to Ucero, the esplanade that stretches in front of the Great Cave, an enormous cave that remains always open and accessible.
The chapel of St. Bartholomew
The chapel of St. Bartholomew is a Romanesque building of the first quarter of the thirteenth century with a burgeoning influence of Gothic. It was part of a Templar monastery which retains only the chapel.
The link with the Order of the Temple and tested this with her open mysteries remain.
This shrine is at the same distance in meters of the outer limits to the east and west of the Iberian Peninsula. The union between the location of the chapel with other churches Templar Peninsula form a Maltese cross, the symbol of the order.
March 25, 2014 at 5:22 PM
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