Only 60 km away from Hong Kong, an area of 26 square kilometres (most of them torn to sea with a rehabilitation plan that has been going on for years) extends Macao, the second Special Administrative Region of People's Republic of China. If the collective Macao is often associated with Hong Kong, in fact the two islands have in common only geographical location, colonial past and present of China.
Thanks to the presence of outdoor cafes, musical Portuguese place names, squares filled with flowers, colorful buildings often with arcades, a few palm and several restaurants Portuguese in Macao will breathe the air typical of southern Europe. Without losing the characteristics stronger than Chinese tradition. The real peculiarity of Macao, as compared to any other destination in China, lies in being able to keep more traditional aspects of the two civilizations that have shaped the growth in centuries of history. And here is that if old fortresses, churches and large Baroque palaces remind Europe, the streets in ruins near the port show tourists in Hong Kong than fifty years ago. An architectural melting pot that certainly deserves to be admired.
In the historic center of Macao, which extends from Piazza del Senate to the ruins of St. Paul (Cathedral of which remains only the stone facade, as the rest of the structure, wood, was destroyed during a fire in 1835), another , One after another, temples Taoists of the Ming, as A-Ma and Kuan Tai, baroque churches of the eighteenth century as one of St. Dominic, the only European theatre remained intact in Asia, one of Dom Pedro, built in 1860, and the library-style Chinese dedicated to Sir Robert Ho Tung, merchant famous in the early decades of the twentieth century.
Finally, in Macao also mingling the flavors of the table is well managed, and can not be spread from without having tried macanese version of the famous pastel de nata Portuguese (one tortina all'uovo insaporita by a few drops of fruit syrup ), Chorizo, sardines and cod.
However, for the millions of fanatics who live betting in Hong Kong or elsewhere on the continent, Macao is simply the home of gambling, a single large casino in which the Chinese love to switch nights of madness, with the (remote) hope round off their holdings.
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